Beautifully done app that has most accurate forecasting

Available on the Apple App Store


Amazingly beautiful 3D images of our planet draws your attention for so long
that you may forget that the application has other useful features
that allows you easy access to precise, global weather information.

3D Earth

Chic home screen with high-quality real-time image of the earth, moon, sun, galaxies and stars


Easily select different cities or saved locations using the city carousel with national flags

Weather Radar

Weather radar and maps with layers: cloudy, precipitations, wind, pressure, temperature and more

weather forecast

48 hours and 15 days forecast

Forecast charts with detailed daily weather conditions, independent day and night temperature charts

Weather Stations

Database of 200 000 cities with weather information, quick look-up and automatic detection of location

More Features

Weather widgets, alerts, reports, extreme weather notifications, differen weather data providers and more.

Innovation and technology

The weather forecast is provided by CustomWeather, Inc.
CustomWeather is a leader in technology and meteorological innovation.
The current weather data is gathered from thousands of professionally installed and maintained weather stations installed mostly at airports.
Weather Now only shows current weather from stations that have reported local weather conditions within the past hour.

  • Current weather data is refreshed every 30 minutes; that is twice as frequent as most other weather providers can offer.
  • Unique 48-hour forecasts from over 200,000 locations around the world provide a level of coverage and detail that simply cannot be found elsewhere.


Real screenshots from real devices show main features of app

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